Monday, May 21, 2007

Tute Week 4

Scavenger hunt

1. The world record weighing pumpkin weighed 1,502 lbs.     oct/09/worlds_heaviest_pumpkin_weighed

2. Register on Grant Hackets log and simply leave a comment and he will get back to you. http:/     /

3. A giraffes tongue can reach 18 to 20 inches (46 to 50 centimetres)     animalbytes/t-giraffe.html

4. It is of how things really are in this world.     ontology.html

5. David Cronenberg's first feature film was “Transfer”.     nm0000343/

6. The original 'Hacker's Manifesto' was first written January 8. 1986.     120.html

7. Hollywood numbers usually starts with “555” to avoid prank calls because no number starts     with “555”.

8. You can travel from Crete to Rhodes with ferry or plane. There are so many different prizes     and offers on the market so it is hard to find them. By experience I know that the cheapest     way is by ferry.(So many different internet sites)

9. Topping the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1965 was "I'll Never Find Another You" by     "The Seekers."

10. Stephen Stockwell played was on keyboard and vocals in “The black assassins”. http://

What is a search engine?

According to Encarta a search engine is a software program that helps you find information on a personal computer or on the internet. You enter the word you want to search for and the search engine search the whole World Wide Web, personal computer files or documents for the specific word you typed in. The search engine does this by either by scanning the content stored on the computers or computer networks being searched or by parsing an index of their stored data. They are most often used to find pages, files, news, images, and other data on the Web. By a web crawler or a spider, this is kind of a automated browser that always search the web and this makes the search engines always updated. When the search is finished it comes up with a list of relevant results. These are often raked by how many other sites link to those pages. Often search results will also include sponsored links. The search engines I use the most are and I use google because somehow I feel that it is the biggest and best one. It always gives me relevant and many results. It is also easy accessible from many other internet pages that have it as a link on their page. I use kvasir, since I am Norwegian and it is a decent Norwegian search engine. It is very accessible since it has a link on almost every Norwegian newspaper online.

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