Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My thoughts about New Communication Technologies

The day I sat down, tired and confused after travelling for 30 hours to Australia, for the enrolment, I had no clue what to expect. Since I live in Norway and did not have the chance to enrol from there I was pretty late. So all the courses I enrolled in was almost the only ones left. One of the courses I never regretted taking was New Communication Technologies. The course was actually how I expected it to be. Doing all the different tasks on a computer, including different software as Word, Adobe and Excel. I am familiar with Word and Excel so that was not to hard and complicated, but the Adobe part took me a couple of hours to get. When I figured out how it worked it also got mere interesting and addictive. What surprised me was the blog part. I did not see that one coming. I did not expect to put all the work we did on a blog, and to keep the blog updated. I did not like the blog I used though, Blogger.com. Everything was kind of confusing and it was a bit unstructured. I also found it tangled and hard to find your way around. Anyways making your own blog is fun. I use Facebook and Myspace on normally and I find these more “friendly” and not that hard to use. I would never carry on using Blogger.com anyways because none of my friends use it. All that talk about getting friends on internet really never applied to me.

A smart thing to make everyone meet up in lectures was to make them put their lecture notes on the blog. It kind of forces them to meet up if they do not want to get left behind. The lectures were easy to follow and well structured. We also got to see some movies and different things on the web, which I do not mind. The tutorial tasks were interesting and understandable. This is the course where I got most information about what to do and when to do it. Accompanied by bright and friendly tutors I feel that everyone enjoyed this course. It is one of those courses you go to learn because it is fun and “up to date”. We are living in the age of technologies so it could not fit more perfect. Another thing I did not expect was that in New Communication Technologies we had history lessons, going back in time to see what technologies they had back then. I guess it is more important on the exam though. Summed up this was a course I liked very much, and the course liked me. I learned quite a lot new stuff and I also maintained and upgraded the stuff I already had tried out. I think this course is important for everyone that wants to use a computer on a daily business. Keep up the good work guys!

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