Thursday, May 24, 2007

Lecture Notes Week 12

Free software, open source, creative commons and electronic frontiers foundation

Buying software-> Property software
Owned by the company that sells it.

The collections of instructions that programmers write are referred to as source code (or just code)

Source code usually locked
->illegal to go in there and fix it.

Free and open source software refers to a kind of software that is different to property software in a number of significant ways.
Founder: Richard M. Stallman

• Users allowed to run the software for any purpose
• Study and examine close, freely modify and improve
• Give copies
• Improve the software an distribute it

Copyleft-> Core concept putting things on the internet for free.

Open source software open for all operation systems.

A lot of free and better softwares out there.

The Creative Commons

Applies to the likes of music, writing and videos or movies.
Creative commons license if you want your stuff to be free.
Can be used everywhere and gives the freedom to use information responsibly, morally and legally without fearing being sued.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation

The first line of defence when freedom in network is attacked.
Deals with the law and digital media across the whole spectrum.
->keeping the internet open to people.

Both EFF and Creative Commons are non-profit organisations.

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