Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Lecture note week 3

The birth of the computer
Charles Babbage created the”difference engine”. It was designed to calculate and print mathematical tables. It sketched the logical structure of the modern computer.

Ada Lovelace conceived in an article a machine that would be able to compose and play music, produce graphics and for everyday use. She conceived the first computer program.

Turing, and the birth of the computer.
He worked at Bletchley Park->teams of mathematicians and cryptographers to devise the first working computer. Called The Bombe->break secret German 'Enigma' codes.

Moores law
Computers first commercially produced in 1950 by IMB. First generation very large, unwieldy and expensive. For military, government and corporate work. 1965-> Moores law-> the capacity of microchips doubles every year. Quickly became smaller, quicker and cheaper.

Xerox Park developed the mouse, graphical user interface, and pull down menus in early 70s.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak-> Apple 1. A primitive machine with a single circuit board.
Apple 2-> West Coast Computer Fair 1978.
1979 they bought Visicalc-> market went nuts. PC became a business tool. Apple had 50% of the market.

IBM and Microsoft
IBM ultra conservative-wanted to get into the PC market. Bill Lowe.
To run computers you need the language and the Operating System. IBM considered Gary Kildall and Bill Gates as vendors.
Microsoft/Bill Gates promised an operating system developed by Tim Patterson.
MS Dos-> monopoly->Microsoft

Saw the start of Alphaville, a French black and white movie from 1965, by Jean-Luc Goddard.

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